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Honorary Dish of the Day: Homemade Country Biscuits

Honorary Dish of the Day: Our honorary dish of the day today is something I have always wanted to try out for a very long time but never quite got the opportunity to do so before...freshly made, heart-warming Homemade Country Biscuits! I finally decided to make them yesterday from scratch and I am so incredibly proud of my first attempt at making husband will attest to just how tasty and delicious these biscuits are 😍. They are the ultimate comfort food for any season! I followed this super helpful recipe from Sugar Spun Run, with some tweaks of my own based on what I had available in my kitchen. I increased my baking time to 15 minutes in order to ensure my biscuits acquired that beautiful golden coating and also doubled the recipe since I wanted to produce more biscuits...more is always better after all! In addition, since I unfortunately didn't have a cookie cutter on hand, I simply improvised by using the rim of a glass. I know it may have possibly affected the size and shape of the biscuits but I am happy to say that the biscuits turned out just right for me. I will however definitely be getting a cutter for my next recipe! I greatly appreciated the detailed tips provided on the website given that I was completely new to the process involved. Biscuits are surprisingly easy to make - they only take about 20 minutes total to make, require very few and simple ingredients, and there are no eggs needed whatsoever. I will be posting my complete version of the cooking roadmap on our Recipe Index this weekend, so watch out for that posting coming soon and give this simple recipe a try too soon! I promise you, it will be well worth every effort 🙂.  
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