Signature Dish of the Day: The Amazing Baked Spaghetti Squash
Signature Dish of the Day: As may be transparently evident from our previous posts, there is no doubt that we absolutely love butternut squash, but true to our "always try new things" mantra, we recently decided to give a different kind of squash a try...the amazing Spaghetti Squash. Also known as vegetable spaghetti, I think this particular variety is often overlooked compared to its more famous cousin, but I find it to be one of the most unique vegetables to ever exist on our beautiful planet! True to its name, the fibers are delightfully stringy and authentically look similar to the good old spaghetti...this makes it a perfect substitute for actual spaghetti or any other pasta dish. In addition, spaghetti squash is super easy to make - unlike its popular cousin, there is absolutely no need whatsoever to peel it before cooking! Simply split a medium-sized squash in half lengthwise, scoop out all seeds using a spoon, then season with about 1 teaspoon of black pepper and salt, and drizzle about 1 tablespoon of olive oil on each half. Place in a large, flat baking dish and bake at 400℉ for about 50 minutes (allow for additional time if your squash size is bigger). We found that having them come out a bit al dente gives them a nice, crunchy texture and makes for a zesty bite! Once done, remove and let it cool down for about 10 minutes, then get ready for the most fun part - scraping the spaghetti strands cross-sectionally with a simple fork! Head on to our new Videos tab for an illustration on how to do this artfully and with grace 😁. We kept our veggie spaghetti dish authentically vegetarian by pairing it with a medley of other vegetables as captured in the picture above, including stewed mushrooms and cabbage accompanied by sautéed broccoli and carrots. Next time, we will most definitely pair this unique squash dish with a meaty stew and I am 100% sure it will taste just as heavenly as well. Always serve hot and enjoy!