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Honorary Dish of the Day: Chicken Sausage & Radish Curry

Honorary Dish of the Day: Our honorary dish of the day today is this simple but delicious Chicken Sausage & Radish Curry. This curry was super quick and easy to prepare and turned out to be the perfect accompaniment for my orecchiette pesto pasta dinner entree. Since I have been experimenting with radish recipes over the past two weeks, I decided to incorporate radish slices into the curry for texture, extra flavor, and to help thicken the broth. For this recipe, I first boiled 3 chicken sausages in some water for about 5 minutes. This is my standard procedure when cooking sausages - I always boil them first to not only ensure they become fully cooked before pan-frying, but also to soften them and lessen the time that they would need to fry so they don'y absorb too much oil in the process. Once done, I sliced the sausages into small cylindrical slices as shown in the picture above. I then diced about 1/2 red onion and 2 red tomatoes and sautéed them in some extra virgin olive oil for about 3 minutes before adding the sausages into the base mixture. After seasoning with some ground black pepper, turmeric, smoked paprika, and a small dash of cayenne pepper, I then added abut 1 cup of water and let the curry simmer for about 7 minutes. I then added some radish slice towards the end of the cooking process and let them cook for another 3 minutes before turning off the heat. Serve hot as a lunch or dinner side dish with an starchy entree of your choice and enjoy! 😋
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