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Quote of the Day: Learning by Doing

" one is born a great cook, one learns by doing." ~ Chef Julia Child, My Life in France

The Raven's View
I chose this simple quote by renowned American cooking legend Julia Child because it perfectly espouses my own belief about making great food - it is a skill that can only be learned and achieved by doing. Practice truly does make perfect when it comes to cooking...there are no two ways about it and cutting corners will most certainly not yield desired results. Even just watching a million different food shows or reading thousands of food blogs and recipes will not make a difference if you make no attempt at replicating what you learn from them. So if you would like to become a great cook, make the kitchen your close friend and keep on'll be surprised at the drastic improvements you will begin to notice with every dish you make and the resulting delicious meal will be a great reward in itself! 😃
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